This article is about the Best Produce to Sell at Farmers Market. Having the best produce at your market stall always guarantees you better sales but, to keep on selling more, you need to go an extra stride.
For example, talk to your customers and understand what they want and how they like it, use fair pricing, use neat produce displays and ensure the product is always clean and of good quality. This is not all as you can always give out free samples, recipes and, produce giveaways.
So, let’s look at the best-selling produce at the local farmers’ markets listed below.
Best Produce to Sell at Farmers Market Stall
1. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are also one of the produce that you should consider for your market stall. When selling tomatoes at a local farmers’ market there are important things you should put in place for successful sales. First and foremost, offer your customers the best produce and sell only ripe high-quality tomatoes without blemishes or wrinkled skin.
Secondly, use attractive tomato displays that invite people to your stall and give out free recipes for salsa, preserves, or other tomato-based foods. Lastly, pay close attention to what your customers want concerning packaging and quantity for those buying wholesale.
2. Microgreens
Nowadays, most people are going for that extra flavor and nutrient in the food and that’s why microgreens have become popular with most food fanatics. These young seedlings are easy to grow and pretty expensive in grocery stores and local farmers’ markets which makes it one of the best products to sell at a local farmers’ market.
Apart from the income you make, selling microgreens at the farmers’ market also helps you build brand recognition, enhance community health, get immediate feedback about your produce, and network with other related businesses who could easily be your customers.
3. Seedlings, Plants & Flowers
Most if not all gardeners love to tidy up their homes every season with beautiful outdoor plants, houseplants, and colorful flowers. This may be in form of simple flowers growing in hanging baskets, or container-grown houseplants, and most buyers opt to buy them from a local grower as opposed to the large home improvement stores.
Therefore, don’t wait to have fully grown flowers and plants to sell at the nearest farmers’ market. Some buyers would prefer to buy seedlings for growing themselves. In addition to this, use your flowers such as sunflowers, roses, snapdragons, zinnias, lilies, peonies, salvia, and others to create beautiful flower arrangements that customers can easily grab for various occasions.
4. Onions
Onions are without doubt one of the best-selling vegetables to sell at a local farmers’ market. Why do I say so? The onions add a pop to any savory dish and they are the first thing to prepare before you even decide what to prepare.
They are the main ingredient in almost every meal therefore they are ever in demand as no one can go without onions in their kitchen. Also, onions have a longer shelf life of about six months and with a good storage house, you have a good opportunity to sell your onions long after harvesting.
5. Basil
Basil is an annual- perennial warm-weather fragrant herb and one of the best produce to sell at farmers market. Many people visit the farmers’ market to purchase some fresh basils to complement other dishes.
If you want to increase your basil sales, you need to combine several tactics in marketing. You can either sell it fresh, use it in value-added products like pesto/pizza or, sell it with a recipe i.e. selling the basil alongside raw ingredients of a specific recipe.
6. Hot Prepared Foods
Spending long hours while shopping at the farmers’ market leaves both the shoppers and sellers starving. And what better way to make cash with your food truck than selling food to them? Do not allow customers to drive away to restaurants for food when you can offer what they need.
Consider also partnering with your local farmers’ market especially when you have openings on your schedule to bring your tasty food to the market and enjoy the massive profits.
7. Milk, meat, and eggs
Eggs, milk, and meat are not only popular at farmers’ markets because of their freshness, but also because many people prefer buying from sources/small farms that humanly treat their animals and chicken as opposed to large factories that may have questionable practices.
Also, even if you are not a rancher, but you enjoy hunting, you can always sell your hunts as either fresh meat or, marinated, cured, and dried meat.
8. Garlic
Garlic is an herb that is grown around the world and is a popular ingredient used in several dishes and beverages to add flavor.
Many people buy garlic for several uses such as raw, garlic powder, or in the form of garlic oil. It is usually consumed cooked but can be eaten raw. That’s why it is one of the best-selling herbs in all local farmers’ markets worldwide.
Nevertheless, a little more garlic sales won’t hurt, right? So, promote your garlic sales by applying extra unique marketing strategies such as garlic giveaways, free samples, and, recipes. Also, pay close attention to how you present your garlic, and whenever possible, offer a variety of cultivars.
9. Honey
Bee honey is popular in most homesteads as it has several uses such as a natural home remedy for allergies, natural sweetener, killing bacteria, and soothes sore throat among others. Therefore, if you are a beekeeper, sell the honey at your local farmers’ market and cash in on your handwork.
Make your honey stand through value addition, for example, adding natural flavors for a unique taste.
10. Broccoli
Broccoli is a cool season that is rich in minerals and vitamins and is a good source of Vitamin A among other essential elements (hence the most common to many households)
Although broccoli is one of the easiest vegetables to grow, selling it at a farmers’ market can be hard. Maintaining the freshness of these veggies is difficult and this might affect your sales.
But, achieving maximum sales is possible. You just need to ensure that customers have easy accessibility to the broccoli, display your broccoli attractively, freshen up your broccoli more frequently, and sell your broccoli alongside raw materials for specific recipes.
11. Baked goods
Do you love to bake? Baked products such as cakes, scones, pies, and cookies are an endless money-making opportunity at the farmers’ market near you. Most sellers and customers love to take a bite at a stall near them all you need is to make it a routine every market day.
You can also go the extra mile to boost your profits by selling special treats such as gluten-free or vegan products to customers with special diet needs.
12. Beverages
The majority of people that visit the local farmers’ market are usually looking for unique products or items that they can’t find in the local grocery store. So make some easy extra cash by selling fleshly squeezed lemonades or other tasty beverages alongside other products to the shoppers. Or use your stall to showcase your homemade brews – this might be what shoppers have been waiting for!
13. Cucumber
Cucumbers are also among the best produce to sell at farmers market . They are rich in beneficial nutrients, as well as certain plant compounds and antioxidants. Also, they are low in calories and contain a good amount of water and soluble fiber, making them ideal for promoting hydration and aiding in weight loss (Hence high demand at the farmers’ market)
If you want to move more cucumbers, consider applying strategies such as selling by weight, individually, in containers and packages, sell alongside cucumber recipes and, sell for pickling.
14. Lettuce
Lettuce is one of the most valuable vegetables in most local farmer’s markets. It is a leafy vegetable famous for giving salads their base. Display your lettuce in a way that suggests the bounty of the farm. For example, use baskets, barrels, and crates to hold the veggies, not just piles on the table.
In addition to this, use clean fabric to fill the bottom two-thirds of a barrel/basket and then pile the lettuce above it. This helps you achieve the look of an overflowing basket without causing damage to your lettuce.
15. Sweet Corn
Fresh sweet corn kernels are full of sugar. You can take a bite right off the cob in the field and taste the sun-warmed sugar right away. Therefore, no need to cook it if you don’t want to. But am sure you too have come across flat, tasteless corn and this is a turn-off to everyone.
Maintain the freshness of your sweet corns by keeping them under cool temperatures. You might not have a refrigerated truck to store the corns but you can ensure that your stand is under a shade. Alternatively, if you have means you can bring an ice-full cooler to store your produce temporarily as you sell.
16. Radishes
Why should you display radishes at a farmers’ market stall? The reasons are many. First, radishes are fast-growing (takes 30 to 40 days to mature) and they can grow all summer long. Second these crops take up very little space therefore, you just need small space to produce enough for the market.
Third, radishes are pretty and large piles of these crops brighten your market stall and attract customers. Lastly, it is easy to offer suggestions to your customers on different ways of using radishes such as cooking, raw salads, dicing, and many more.
You have just seen the sixteen best produce to sell at farmers market and why they are the best.
However, to get the best sales from your produce, you have to understand what your customers want clearly and strive to achieve it, charge fair prices for your produce, and try as much as you can to make your product unique for example through value addition, alluring produce displays and, give attractive offers like free samples and recipes to your customers.
Do you know of another produce that sells best at a farmers market?
Let us know in the comments.